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Conrad Weiser Animal Hospital

Dr. Gina Watzka

Gina Watzka with cat

Dr. Gina Watzka

Dr. Gina Watzka is originally from the Hudson Valley of New York State. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing from Wagner College in 2006. She worked as a cardiac care nurse at St. Peter’s Hospital in Albany, NY until 2010, before deciding to go back to school. Dr. Gina obtained her Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine degree from the University of Wisconsin – Madison, School of Veterinary Medicine in 2014. She then became an associate veterinarian at Sand Creek Animal Hospital in Albany, NY until 2018, when she relocated to Berks County with her family.

She shares her time now working between Blue Pearl Berks Animal Emergency and Referral and here at Conrad Weiser Animal Hospital. In her free time, she enjoys gardening, fishing, and doing craft projects. She and her husband have two boys and three cats who demand much of their time!